Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) and its overlaps with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
Molecular Profiling and Treatment Dilemma – What, When, and How?

This report is a tribute to Tarun Shah (founder MP Advisors, 1963-2016).  The report is focused on understanding the complications associated with MyleProliferative Neoplasms – a disorder of the bone marrow  which can become life threatening.  Advances have been made in the genetics and molecular profiling to help define sub-types and develop a treatment paradigm but solutions are still limited.

This report is dedicated to the patients and all those who have bravely “raced against time” to fight and save their near and dear ones with full hope.  The report is unlikely to offer any near-term solutions but is an attempt to create awareness about the complexities of the disease where no “generalised approved” treatment paradigm exists.  Critical monitoring of response, disease and seeking live timely expert opinion is imperative.  There is no “one drug that fits all”!  Exceptions prevail despite large clinical trial data set and the time or cost associated with personalised cancer treatment is still not available or within everyone’s reach. However, the quest goes on as more and more sub-types/exceptions emerge and we have tried to summarise these efforts and hope that in the future new therapies are soon made available and there is less dilemma in the lives of the patients and caretakers!

Please download the full report - MPN_MDS Overlap_02Nov2017